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Sender-ID | SMS Feature

What Brands Prefer?

Brands always tend to keep their reputation intact; it is how they can sustain and further their business growth. A well-recognized clothing store would never want its offers to send from a number unidentified for the recipients. The preferred way is always to send from brand’s own name.

Get your Offer Picked

Avoid the cost of getting your message ignored by the recipient during the high-time events of the year. When recipients are receiving floods of offers during Sales Season, they would incline to pick yours when they clearly identify with your brand name among all.

Unique Sender-ID for All

One platform capable to cater the Branding needs of companies/brands belong to variety of industries. Apply a custom Sender-ID to best represent your brand, get it approved and then instantly activated for your account to send business texts from it.
Unique Sender-ID
Ready to Get Started with Mumara SMS