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Mumara Classic

Speed and Multiplicity of Options

The frequent problem you would face while importing sizeable contacts to your list is that it may sometime take ages with Mumara’s counterpart email marketers. We identified this issue for growing databases and had it fixed in the very beginning versions of our software, constant updates have made the importing process more efficient, express and accurate. Be it a list of millions of contacts, it would take minutes to complete the importing process, making use of advanced method of inline import.
Multi SMTP/MTA- IP Rotation

Schedule Multiple Campaigns in One Go

Cut short the steps of scheduling an email campaign and schedule multiple email campaigns in one go. When you have several campaigns to schedule, single page operation and adaptability of layout will really help to save the time.

Customize the Sending Pattern

With MumaraClassic, you aren’t left with default and primary level of options to send a campaign. To aid high volume delivery, you can customize the sending pattern by selecting SMTPs, From to Info and Sending Domains of your choice.

Express Importing Speed

Make use of inline feature to import sizeable list in minutes. Appropriately map the headers of the importing file with the fields in your database to save right contact’s info in right fields.
Ready to Get Started with Mumara Classic