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Mumara Campaigns

Reporting & Analytics

View graphical statistics on the Dashboard

Keep an eye on all the important statistics by viewing them on the dashboard. Mumara's dash provides an organized view of statistics to keep you updated. Below you’ll find the key features
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Gauge performance through broadcast statistics summary

Analyze the statistics of any broadcast in order to collect the data needed to gather metrics regarding the number of opens, clicks, geographic location, and other key details.

Opened vs unopened chart

A simple graph that shows the percentage of the emails opened and unopened for the campaign.

Obtain Geo IP data

Obtain geographical and systematic data of the recipient who is opening your emails or clicking on the links inside. The data includes location, zip, city, state, country, operating system, browser, and more.

Emails being opened

View details of the emails being opened along with the date/time and other info.

The links being clicked

Learn whether the recipient is getting engaged with the email he has received or not. Mumara makes it easier to know which links have been clicked.

Filter bots for the realistic statistics

Mumara comes up with a built-in database of bots and can help you filter the bots opening your emails or performing the clicks.

See which recipients have unsubscribed

View the list of the recipients who have opted out from receiving further emails by clicking on the unsubscribe link. The unsubscribed contacts are auto-flagged and don’t receive further emails.

Detailed reporting of the undeliverable emails (bounces)

View information about bounces such as what kind of bounce it was, the reason behind it, and the specifics in the manuscript.

Find the best element through A/B test

You can compare the efficiency with which different components of the campaign were executed by having a look at its A/B testing. Know the top-performing assets e.g. contact lists, broadcasts, sending nodes, and more. A brief overview of the A/B testing features is as below
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