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Engage Your Audience as Never Before

More than 4.26 billion email users are there worldwide. You have to think twice while ignoring this huge market. Do not feel stuck when a gigantic marketplace with immeasurable potential is available in front of your eyeballs. Attract more customers to generate more ROI in a style. Mumara One creates a win-win situation for your brand with its mesmerizing features.


Mumara One Has Everything You Need for Your Brand!

Mumara is a highly intelligent, and creative automation tool that enables you to automate your marketing funnel. We give you the modern way forward to land in the mailbox of the users with a high deliverability rate.

Sending an email is different than sending it exactly to the inbox. Mumara One understands the way spam filters work. That is why you can send every email for the maximum open and click-through rate.

Have a Look at the
Unmatchable Features

  • Manage thousands of leads in an organized way
  • Create groups, lists, & segments as per your need
  • Suppress email, domain, or IP
  • Perform bulk actions on contacts including set as soft bounce, hard bounce, not bounced, mark confirmed, mark unconfirmed, set as active or inactive, or delete a contact.
  • Upload a CSV file or select a file from the server.
  • Choose the format of the email you want your users to receive i.e., HTML or TEXT.
  • Perform bulk updates to the selected file as per requirements.
  • Bulk update your contacts to unsubscribe, not subscribed, hard bounced, soft bounced, change the format from HTML to TEXT, or vice versa, etc.
  • Send HTML and TEXT body of your emails.
  • Send a preview of the email to the desired email before you send it to the audience.
  • Run Split Test to find the best variant of your email
  • Use Dynamic Content Tags to send personalized content based on specific criteria.
  • Choose a trigger and let it happen automatically on an action to show the direction to the users.
  • Send your post instantly or schedule it to use it to send it later
  • Add Webhooks to send status notifications to your endpoints as soon as an event occurs matching your criteria.
  • Customize landing pages to make them all yours according to your brand and product.
  • Add sender information from the contact list or add custom information that you want to send
  • Add your sending domains that appear in the message preheader
  • Add web forms and embed HTML code to your website to generate more leads
  • Add Pixels to track the activity of your visitor on your website
  • View the analytics and detailed logs of the emails relaying through your account
  • Create your lists or import a file
  • Create custom fields to add more and more information about the contacts
  • Smart segmentation based on contact lists and based on statistics
  • Import your contacts from other platforms such as Gmail, etc.
  • Use rocket import to increase uploading speed
  • Select a third party to import your contacts, such as Active Campaign, Benchmark, Get Response, MailChimp, etc.
  • Select the file source, and upload the file
  • Design broadcasts using a world-class HTML Editor, or Drag & Drop Builder
  • Feel free to fetch your content from the URL
  • Send a series of systematic emails through a drip campaign to convert your leads.
  • Use Spintags to add variations in your campaigns to make it different for every contact in the list
  • Send Event-Based Triggers to manipulate your broadcasts and drip campaigns.
  • Design and schedule unlimited broadcasts as you like
  • Resume or pause your broadcasts whenever you need
  • Choose from the dozens of pre-made landing pages to direct your audience to a dedicated page.
  • Set the hourly speed of your email campaigns
  • Track opening and clicks of your emails
  • Overwrite From Name and Subject Line, if you want to do that
  • Use Dedicated Pools and Dedicated IPs
  • Generate API key to connect Mumara One with any third-party application
  • View real-time statics to examine the performance of your Broadcasts and Triggers
  • View received, delayed, sent delivered, failed, and complaints emails
  • Get a detailed summary of received, bounced, and queued emails to analyze the performance

This Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg

There are many more useful features out there to make your email campaign successful – leading to making your brand prosperous.

Start Your Newsletter Strategy with Mumara One

Inspire Your Readers With the Best Performing Newsletters

Determine the goals of your newsletters and use Mumara One to send them whenever you want. Your goals can be varied from informing, inspiring, entertaining, educating, or whatnot, we enable you to do everything with elegance. Connect with your audience and feed them with relevant and interesting content well in time.


Send your newsletter from Mumara One.


Decide your sending frequency.


Define your audience.


Determine what success looks like.


Design Your Newsletters the Way Your Readers Demand

Once the goal is determined, now is the time to design your email newsletter. Make sure that your newsletter is well-timed, well-designed, and responsive. If that is not compatible with mobile phones, desktops, and other devices alike, you will be on the losing side. Mumara One enables you to create your newsletter by using HTML Editor, or Drag & Drop Builder with an opportunity for Split Testing to determine the best variant.


Get Started with Mumara One

Secure 1-time payment / 100% money back guarantee


Transactional Email Services

Transactional email services with powerful APIs on Mumara One are always available to provide you with the true pleasure of success.


Understand Transactional Email

A transactional email is an email message that is triggered by a specific action in a website or mobile app. These emails contain specific information or data that is typically sent to the users one at a time when a user takes a specific action.


Transactional emails include

  • Order confirmation.
  • Password reset.
  • Welcome emails.
  • Social media updates.
  • Account notifications.
  • Automated abandoned cart emails.

Triggered-based Emails

You can send these emails with Mumara One’s highly efficient email automation system. Send your transactional emails by using SMTP or an API server. Transactional emails are a bit different than marketing emails when you send them. The former is triggered-based emails in real-time bound with certain actions taken by the user such as a password reset. On the other hand, marketing emails are one email to many for product promotions, sales, and services.


Giving You the Perfect Solution

Sending transactional emails is never hard when you go with the right transactional email service. This is the point where Mumara One steps forward to give a complete solution for your transactional emails and hold on sending and tracking these emails.


Start Sending Transactional Emails Today

Your brand needs an email service provider that helps users timely, and Mumara One gives you that autonomy for your transactional emails. If you want to increase your open rate, boost reach, and increase sales, start sending transactional emails via Mumara One today!


Sending Automated Emails

A top-notch system for sending automated emails gives you the ultimate freedom to target your audience in your own way. Our primary goal is to enable you with superlative services to increase the deliverability rate while keeping them out of the junk folder.

Get Started with Mumara One


Get Your Flexible IP Deployment Options

Mumara One offers you flexible IP deployment options. You can use shared IPs or dedicated IP addresses as per your needs.

Shared IP Addresses

Shared IP addresses are just like public highways. Sometimes, you go everywhere, but other times due to the actions of others, the process gets slower and even halts your progress. It can be a great option for you if you want to send your messages instantly with established IPs. For shared IPs, you do not need to pay any extra costs, it will be just like the buy and drive kind of solution but deliverability can be affected due to many users.

Dedicated IP Addresses

A dedicated IP address is like a private highway, designed for you to give you full access to drive or fly freely. If you want to build and manage your own reputation, you can avail of a dedicated IP to use your Mumara One account. If you are looking forward to sending a significant amount of emails, we suggest you use dedicated IPs to land directly in the mailbox.

Dedicated Pools

You can also create a dedicated pool of multiple dedicated IPs to use according to your requirements. Floating IPs in the Dedicated Pools will help you send transactional and marketing emails separately by using a different IP. If you are a high-volume sender, create a Bridge on Mumara One to send your transactional emails using an SMTP or API. A dedicated IP Pool will allow you to group your dedicated IP addresses to get more control over the deliverability.

Order Dedicated IPs

Log in to your Mumara One account.


Navigate to Setup, and click then Dedicated IPs .


Now click Order IPs.

Dedicated Pools

Log in to your Mumara One account.


Navigate to Transactional>Create a Bridge.


Give a name to your dedicated pool, select a pool and click Create.

Send Your Transactional Emails Via SMTP or Via API


Send Via SMTP

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol or SMTP is the method of sending emails across the internet. Mumara One gives you an option to create a bridge of the dedicated IPs and transfer your emails via the server to the destination. You can connect your website or application to the Mumara One route using SMTP contention.

Send Via API

Application Programming Interface or API is not just used for emails. It is software that helps various application systems communicate. Send emails from your Mumara One route from anywhere using the API. An application or a product website can use the API to send transactional mail automatically without waiting in queue. Copy the API Key and integrate that application or website with the Mumara One. When someone takes an action, Mumara One will get an alert and it will send a specific message to the user. Are you ready to try the latest technology?


Take the Elevated Experience in Marketing

If you want to lead your marketplace from the front, do not wait for tomorrow, do it today. Mumara One is fully capable of giving you the next-level experience of being the boss. Whether you are an online business, a social media agency, a designer, a content marketer, or any business on the planet, you are welcome to take your business to the advanced level with this all-in-one solution.

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What Do Our Clients Say
About Mumara One?


Donald J. Moore


“Being an online business owner, I strongly recommend Mumara One to all who are looking forward to making their mark in the field. I was spending plenty of dollars on other platforms without getting the true results. One of my friends who was already using it told me to give it a try. I was astonished to see the huge sales. The rates are comparatively low, and the interface is straightforward to use. I am getting the results of my choice and wish you all to do so.”


Arlene G. Lee


“After a significant loss in my business, I was about to quit. One good day I just read about Mumara One somewhere and planned to give it a try as a final resort. Believe me or not, I was so amazed to get the sales to boost within no time. Mumara One’s team is highly professional and comes forward during any need according to the users’ requirements. You need not be a programmer or coder to use Mumara One. If you are passing through the same as I experienced, do not wait for the end, use it now and change your destiny.”


Jubair Nibras


“I want to thank Mumara One for making things so much easy. It has helped me a lot to multiply my revenue through more sales. Today, I can save big and plan to invest big. I would highly appreciate the brain behind creating this tool with the amazing features and options that drive straight to success. I wish Mumara One good luck to bring more ease for the user.”

Don’t believe us…?


A Worth Reading Case Study

Keebler is a New York-based eyewear company built on the strong principles that designer eyewear should be cost-effective and more stylish. Although they set reasonable prices for the products they didn’t get enough sales at the start even after spending hundreds of dollars on social media and google campaigns.

The problem they found was that the message was not going to the right audience as it was being sent to all and sundry including irrelevant users. They just tried to figure out the answer to the question, ‘what stops people from buying from the brand?” After discussions, they tried to guess the answer and decided to try email marketing through Mumara One.


They added their contact lists, segmented them according to user's preferences, and targeted the audience more sophisticatedly. Keebler tried email marketing automation for a few weeks and as a result, they converted 55% more users by simply showing them the desired product. Another thing that they did on the Mumara One was that they added landing pages to showcase the intended products to the users. In this way, the navigation of the redirected traffic was limited; the focus of the user was increased and they made more purchases without going from one page to another.


Do You Want to Experience the Same Boost Just Like Keebler ? Don’t Go Anywhere When We Give You a Complete and Ready-Made Solution.

Not Enough? Read Another!

Doubled the Sales Within no time

Liana Doubled the Sales Within No Time

Liana is a women’s fashion brand that possesses a huge fan following. The contemporary brand always comes up with a customer-oriented approach, that makes them a well-groomed e-commerce store. Their marketing team faced severe challenges while using marketing automation technology. They observed that the software they used for the cart abandonment tracking was slowing down the website which decreased the sales and traffic due to poor user experience. The brand was unable to get all the abandoned cart data they could use for the re-targeting emails. The situation was not only risky but frustrating to a larger extent.

They were looking for a full-fledged solution for the best user experience and sales at the same time. The software they were using proved to be a hindrance to achieving their set goals. They also faced the issue that they were unable to get traffic on a particular product through social media. Aaron Field, the digital head was assigned the task to find the solution.

Mumara One offered every feature, Aaron, exactly needed. He got the solution in the shape of tracking pixels, landing pages, and a perfect email automation system. He thought of stepping up instead of crawling with the same software. Within weeks, they doubled the sales through proficient automation technology.

Are You Looking to Double Your Sales Just Like Liana?


Get Started with Mumara One


Trying Mumara One Is Super Easy, Here Is How!

We are sure that after knowing the features, and benefits, you are ready to sign up for Mumara One.

Just follow the easy steps and hit your market harder!


Add a Sending Domain

Sending domains are the domains that appear in message headers and the email appears to be sent from these domains. When you add a sending domain, Mumara One will generate DNS keys to authenticate the domain.


Add a Contact List

A contact list is where you can store your leads, and their important information. You can segment your list to send the right information to the right audience.


Add a Broadcast

A broadcast is an email template that your recipient will receive carrying TEXT/HTML body content. Create your broadcast using HTML Editor or Drag & Drop Builder.


Schedule Your Broadcast

After adding a contact list and sending the domain, you are ready to schedule your broadcast. Give relevant information to the required fields, and send your broadcast instantly or schedule it to send it later.


Did You Like the Idea?

Then What You Are Waiting for?


Here Are More Interesting Things Waiting for You.


Don’t You Believe Us…?


Read Something Mind-Blowing

During the past decade, email marketing automation tools have shined bright. Mumara One has taken this process to even an advanced level in the shape of your revenue multiplications. We allow you to use a mind-blowing machine with ready-to-use features that can work 24/7/365 for you.

While building the interface, we worked hard on the concern to make it as much user-friendly so that a non-technical person can also use it. Mumara One will automatically send follow-up emails automatically according to the required time frame and intervals on the list or segments.

We Have Not Finished Yet!

Trigger-Based Emailing


A trigger is an automatic reaction to a user’s particular action. Upon this particular action, Mumara One sends a trigger email as an automated email to inform a user of the occurrence of an event. You can apply a wide range of filters according to your desires.

For example, if you select an event criterion “Contact is added to a List” you can select the action e.g, send a broadcast, start a drip campaign, send a notification email to the admin, etc. As soon as a user will be added to the selected email list, the trigger will be performed accordingly.

Send Well-Timed Information
to the Right Audience

  • Reach out to more than 4 billion users worldwide.
  • Boost your revenues by up to 4200%.
  • 64% of the brands use Email Marketing To Target Customers.
  • 37% of businesses are increasing their Email Marketing Budget.
  • Email is 40 times more effective than social media.
  • The buying process is 3 times faster than social media.
  • Email provides a One-On-One communication facility.
  • Cost-effective medium of marketing as compared to others.

More Engagements
Lead to More Sales

Mumara One comes up with infinite options to explore the potential of your data-driven marketing automation. Sending emails to the targeted segments nurture more leads. While using other mediums of marketing including print, electronic, social media, etc. you will not be able to send the information to the relevant audience. On the other hand, if you use Mumara One, you can send the information that you want to the people of your choice.

Impressed? Many-Many More Feature Are There To Amaze You.
So, what else do you need for your business to go shoulder-to-shoulder with your competitors ?

Get Started with Mumara One


Be More Creative with Your Website

Providing users with a sense of achievement in a unique way is the motto of Mumara One. That is why it helps you leave no stone unturned in keeping you a step ahead of your competition. We come up with creative and responsive landing page templates that convert leads into sales. It happens when the users are focused on a pre-defined goal. They click a specific call to action to redirect straight to the items or offers.

Choose a Landing Page That Generates Sales

Choose a customizable landing page, and edit it using Drag & Drop Builder. Mumara One has brought everything to one place where, you select, edit, promote, and optimize, without any coding knowledge. Sell your product and services from today, and get ready to make money. Get more subscribers and convert them to sales to soar the profits of your business. We are sure you want to look more professional, just do it by connecting your custom domain in a few steps.

The primary goal of adding a landing page is to limit the users’ navigation and keep them fixated on certain products instead of distracting them away from the page.

A dedicated landing page available on Mumara One can be the new destiny of your business if you are willing to make unlimited sales.


Landing pages increase your conversions


Grow your email list healthy


You can customize and test various landing pages


Increase brand value and cast a good first impression


Landing pages are free of distractions


They improve your SEO when you get more traffic


Walk together with user during the transformation journey


Landing pages are not pushy, it makes them user friendly


Direct all the visitors to the intended product or offer


Why Are You Lagging Behind?

You may feel faded to run after the customer without inspiring them to make purchases. Don’t worry, you are not the only one who is facing this menace.

Do you want to continue with the current strategy to waste your time? Or do you want to step up with the trend of putting in less effort and making more profits? You can also do it just like all the prosperous brands to make a reasonable impact on the market.


You Are Just a Click Away from Getting These Benefits


Get Started with Mumara One

Secure 1-time payment / 100% money back guarantee


High Conversion Is Not a Dream Now, Try Tracking Pixels

Add HTML code to the email or a website to kick-start the tracking process through the pixels. Tracking pixels are a process to see how your users behaved with your products. See the users’ engagement by following the footsteps of the users including clicks, adding items to the cart, or completing the checkout process. Do everything in a brand new style using Mumara One.


Mumara Tracking Pixels

Pixels are a way to track the activities of your users on your website or application. This is a highly intelligent way to get the trail of the visitors and retarget them by sending emails based on some activity.

Sometimes, a user comes to your website, and adds some items to the cart but doesn’t complete the checkout process. 7 out of 10 shopping carts remain abandoned, which means that 70% of the users do not complete the purchasing process on your online store which is too much. Would you like to leave a major chunk of the buyers untouched?


We suggest you use Mumara One as a complete solution to track visitors and send them automated emails.


How It Works..?

A pixel is a code that you place on your website to track conversions from Facebook ads, and optimized ads based on collected data. It helps you build your targeted audience for future ads to qualified leads.

Mumara One pixel can be installed in a couple of ways i.e., Track events by the postback URL, or Install pixel in your website, application, or any other platform. It will help you track the occurring events, top events, and monthly activity more precisely. By tracking the activities, you can target the most interested users.

  • Track users' shopping behaviors and interests
  • Track the open rate of your call to action and the behavior of the users after they go to your online store.
  • You can create segments based on location, devices, engagement type, etc.
  • These segments can be targeted differently finding the best day, or best time of the day for higher ROI.
  • You can track the type of devices the visitors are using.
  • It informs you about the location of the users.
  • Pixels reveal if the users are being brought through a paid search on Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.
  • You can Embed pixels into websites, ads, applications, or more where required.
  • Pixels informs you about the IPs, ad impressions, conversions, or other web activities.
  • Track your engagements and earnings as never before.

We Offer What You Deserve

Mumara One has decided to cover you with heavy-duty, best-performing features. We give your business a much-awaited final push to your business to step up with the current fashions that flourish your brand.


Get Your Desired Plan On Mumara One, and Start Making Profit with a Few Clicks.


Create your Email Campaign.


Send it to your Users..


Measure the results in stats.


Get ready for more conversions.


Capture More Emails – Grow Your Email List

Grow your email list with less effort and more style. Mumara One presents user-friendly, responsive web forms to add more email addresses to your mailing list. Increase your database with fascinating, and ready-to-use subscription forms that are fully capable to grab the users’ attention.


Select your desired web forms on Mumara One

Mumara One forms are your desired web forms that you can customize in your own way.A variety of web form templates are available, e.g., blank templates, simple subscription forms, contact forms, subscribe forms, contact forms with addresses, complaint monitor forms, campaign monitor forms with background, and many more.

Select your desired web forms
  • Get HTML code on Mumara One.
  • Start collecting the benefits.
  • Collect leads, and use Mumara One to automate lead-nurturing activities.
  • Embed copied code in your website’s HTML viewer window.
  • Define your favorite web form.
  • Save Money and Manual effort.
  • Better communication workflow.
  • Get GDPR-related consents.
  • Start communicating with the interested users.
  • Customize it as per your needs.
  • Handle your Data more easily.
  • Convenient to use.
  • Grow a healthy contact list.

Ensure Email Consent Under GDPR

Mumara One is easy to adapt to the CAN-SPAM, CASL(Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation), and GDPR(General Data Protection Regulation) laws. It is easy to fit with the spam laws where it stores the history of IP addresses, geolocations, and other additional data based on recipient engagements.


If Opportunity Doesn’t Knock, Build a Door

Using Mumara One is just like building a door for great opportunities. Yes, believe your ears, you have heard it correctly. If you are looking for more conversions and sales, we are here to provide you with the best results. You can use these for both commercial and governmental perspectives according to your best causes.
We take all the responsibilities to cover the technical side and give you all the commands to move forward toward
your success without being tech-savvy. It is as easy as you buy a car and driving it towards the destination.
When There Is a Lot of Potential and Ease, You Must Think Twice if You Are Still Reluctant to Use It.

Get Started with Mumara One for Free!

Email marketing through Mumara One is cost-effective.


Send your Email Campaign instantly.


You can start using it with a free account.


Upgrade your Plan when you start getting the results.


Send your Emails whenever you want .


Email marketing is targeted and cost-effective.

Decide Your Destiny Yourself


  • Continue using traditional methods.
  • Keep spending on social media and google campaigns without a plan.
  • Keep breaking your back by running after the customers.
  • Continue paying hard-earned money to advertising agencies.
  • Continue failing.
  • Keep yourself out of the competition.


  • Use Mumara One with jaw-dropping features without any effort.
  • Save your dollars without hiring any professionals.
  • Collect more leads and convert them into sales.
  • Select from the dozens of professionally designed templates.
  • Manage your contact list and segment them according to users’ preferences.
  • Dismiss old trends and step into the new world of wonders.
  • Nurture your leads and increase ROI.

Keep Standing on the Winning Side, We Are Here to Help You Out

Start Using Mumara One, Now


Still, wondering why you haven’t seen the desired profits? Maybe you are not using Mumara One

  • Optimum results in a cost-effective manner
  • Grow your email list
  • Boost engagement
  • Generate targeted leads
  • Increase sales and profits
  • Build excitement to improve awareness
  • Get more by doing less with pre-built templates
  • Get more product exposure
  • Market with a personal touch
  • Save time to stay top-of-mind
  • Create two-communication process
  • Inch-perfect emails to the ready-to-convert users

Catch Up on Some More Features

Order dedicated IPs just available for you without sharing them with anyone.

Create Dedicate Pools to generate new SMTP bridges.

Don’t let anyone spoil your IP reputation - use it the way you want.

Generate an API token to connect Mumara One with any third-party application or your website.

WAIT! Here’s The Best Part


Get Timely Notifications Through Webhooks


Automation workflow is not limited to the events and actions that you perform on your account. It is more than that. On Mumara One, Webhook allows you to connect your workflow with a third party to receive status notifications to your endpoints as soon as an event occurred your matches your criteria, i.e.

You can select an event to receive a status notification when an email is ‘received, delivered, bounced, delayed, or complaints.’ Fill in a reachable webhook URL where you want to send a post request and enjoy the benefits:


Send data in real-time when the relevant event occurs


Use that information and re-visit your strategy if needed


Know immediately if the system is failed to send your data


Real-Life Example

Twitter has an account activity webhooks where the user is instantly notified upon receiving a message, reply, like, etc. In this way, you get timely information through the notification that the businesses respond timely to any query promptly. Likewise, Mumara One enables you to receive real-time information to respond at the earliest.


Sign-up Mumara One, Get All the Benefits


Mumara One Enables You to View and Evaluate the Stats for the Sent Broadcasts

Get complete Broadcast and Trigger stats.

Learn the location where your Email is opened or clicked.

Evaluate which ISP is most promising in terms of open rate, and which one ranks low to fix the delivery issues.

Get the full stats of your email broadcasts and keep yourself updated about how many emails were successfully sent, delivered, opened, clicked, delayed, failed, or complaints.

We'd love to have you on-board!

Get Started Right Now!

Your contact list size?

Select the plan below as per your contact list size

    Your Plan!
    1 - 1000FREE
    Daily Sending Limit
    Monthly Quota
    Transactional Emails
    Maximum Dedicated IPs

    Frequently Asked Questions