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Mumara SMSplus

Create, View and Manage Client Accounts

View the existing client accounts with valuable set of information like what the status of specific client account is? Package that certain client account subscriber to and such. Admin is also given an ability to perform couple of administrative actions like editing the client profile details, ability to login as client and setting up custom limits like hourly sending speed etc.

Client Groups with Access Control List

Client group function empowers the admin to set forth the access level for the clients in specific group. Access control list helps the admin to allow clients in specific group to perform certain functions or restrain them using some others. Like whether the clients in certain group will have the ability to import the contacts or not, and all other access level decisions using the client groups.
Access Control List
Client Accounts

Adding Client Accounts

If you don’t currently have an auto-registration process in place, let’s create a client account right from your admin panel. Start from providing basic client profile details, proceed to select a client group for access level & package client is willing to subscribe. And towards the last step of completing the process, add the list of countries client account is allowed sending to.

Broadcast Email & SMS

Being admin, you may frequently need to communicate with your clients for important service announcements. This feature will help you send the announcements as broadcast email message or text message, to all existing clients or to certain number of clients belonging to one or multiple groups, country, subscriber of specific package(s) etc.
Ready to Get Started with Mumara SMSplus