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Mumara SMSplus

Trash Function and Activity Logs

Put forward a limit to automatically empty trash after set number of days, and get the accidently deleted data of your clients recovered before the empty trash limit exceeds. Keep logs of every activity being done, set filter to view the activity logs of specific client.

Keep Network List Updated

MumaraSMS plus has collected almost all of the global mobile carriers by adding the MNC and corresponding MCC values. Keeping the mobile network list updated is critical in order to process the gateway returned responses and generate analytical reports. When your system identifies a new network, it automatically sends an email to the admin to include the network in Network List with MNC and MCC value.
Network List

Multi-Lingual Platform

It offers your clients ability to get their platform translated in the language of their choice. You can take up the language file to translate labels, titles, descriptions and help texts in preferred language. Later through the admin panel you can add the new language in the list of available languages, for your clients to select the one they prefer.

Forbid Words/Sentences

There are certain expressions, words and sentences that the spammers largely use to convey unsolicited bulk messages. You can add these words and expressions to the banned words list to stop your clients from relaying spam content, and ensure maximum compliance to the text message laws and policies.
Ready to Get Started with Mumara SMSplus